Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering ScienceТ, vol.232, pp.4216-4226, 2018 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
In this study, theoretical analysis for defining the function of displacements of a hub’s external contour points and microgeometry of the friction unit providing the absence of initial wear that holds to the end of running-in period, was carried out based on a rough friction surface model. A closed system of algebraic equations admitting to obtain the solution of the problem of optimal design of a friction unit depending on the geometrical and mechanical characteristics of a hub and plunger was constructed. The found function of displacements of the hub’s external contour points and microgeometry of friction surface provide wear resistance increase of friction pair. Calculations for friction units applied to the borehole sucker–rod oil pumps were considered as an example.