The principles of the organization of production on business competitiveness

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Məmmədova I.

Eurasian Academy of Sciences Social Sciences Journal, vol.4, pp.90-103, 2016 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)

Qısa məlumat

The key goal of the present study is substantiation of characteristics of the principles of sustainable competitiveness for successful realization of the enterprises operating in Azerbaijan. There was also studied the factors influencing to the competitive environment. The research work is based on the systematical analysis and logical generalization of management on the application of appropriate rules, followed in this sphere. It was revealed in the consequence of the study that the practical significance of the affecting factors in external environment and extensive description of the classification of competitive advantages of enterprises are of a great importance in the resolution of an actual problem for increasing of competitive advantages of enterprises. The limitations of the study are theoretically based on the analysis of competitive environment, territorial conditions, abiding of the appropriate rules within the article. The study\'s scientific innovation appears on specification of the resources of sustainable competitiveness of the enterprises operating in Azerbaijan as principles, separated to six groups. 

Tәdqiqatın әsas mәqsәdi Azәrbaycan Respublikasında mövcud olan müәssisәlәrin uğurlu fәaliyyәtlәrinin reallaşdırılması üçün rәqabәtә davamlılıq prinsiplәrinin xüsusiyyәtlәrini әsaslandırmaqdır. Burada hәmçinin rәqabәt mühitinә tәsir edәn amillәr öyrәnilmişdir. Tәdqiqat işi bu sahәdә gözlәnilәn müvaqif qaydaların tәtbiqi üzrә idarәetmәnin sistemli tәhlilinә vә mәntiqi ümumilәşdirmәsinә әsaslanır. Tәdqiqat nәticәsindә aşkar edilmişdir ki, müәssisәlәrin rәqabәt qabiliyyәtliliyinin artırılması üçün xarici mühitdә tәsir amillәri tәcübi әhәmiyyәti, müәssisәlәrin rәqabәt üstünlәrinin tәsnifatının geniş tәsviri aktual problemin hәllindә böyük әhәmiyyәt kәsb edir. Tәdqiqatın mәhdudiyyәtlәri mәqalә üçün rәqabәt mühitinin tәhlili, әrazi şәraiti, müvafiq qaydaların gözlәnilmәsi nәzәri baxımdan әsas götürülmüşdür. Tәdqiqatın elmi yeniliyi Azәrbaycan Respublikasında fәaliyyәtdә olan müәssisәlәrin rәqabәtә davamlılıq ehtiyatlarını altı qrup prinsipindә göstәrilmişdir.