Məmmədova S., Mammadova S.

Economic and Social Development, 25 - 26 June 2021, pp.205-210

  • Nəşrin Növü: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • Səhifə sayı: pp.205-210
  • Adres: Bəli

Qısa məlumat

The whole of strategies and methods constitutes a special risk management mechanism, which is risk management. Risk management incorporates a part of financial management. Duties such as purposeful search performed on the reduction of the risk level and organization of works, obtaining an income and its increasing are based the risk-management. The ultimate purpose of risk-management is the same with the purpose of entrepreneurship. It is closely connected with maximum reduction of risks and obtaining an income. Risk-management incorporates a system of management of the risk, which arises from entrepreneurial activity, with financial relations. The main purpose of management of economic risks in enterprise consists of minimizing of financial losses. This management process is regard to valuation of the level of separate economic risks, their prophylactics and insurance. The calculation of the level of economic risks is carried out on the following stages: identification of the types of separate economic risks related to the activity of enterprise; valuation of the degree of probability for occurrence of separate economic risks; determination of possible financial losses related to separate economic risks. The valuation of bankruptcy probability takes a special place in diagnostics of risks and management of production-sale activity. So, management of other aspects of assets, capital, investments, risks and financial activity of the enterprises must have mutual related character. Such mutual relations are provided in the process of complex management of financial condition of trade enterprise and in its optimizing. The optimizing of financial condition of enterprise is one of the main terms of successful economic development in its future perspective. Also, the financial crisis of enterprise creates strong danger for its bankruptcy. Therefore, the distribution of risk factors on commodity production in industrial enterprises to ranks in marketing researches is an important direction.