Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, vol.6, no.7(114), pp.29-42, 2021 (Scopus)
A non-axisymmetric problem of the theory of elasticity for a radial inhomogeneous cylinder of small thickness is studied. It is assumed that the elasticmoduli are arbitrary positive piecewise continuous functions of a variablealong the radius.Using the method of asymptotic integration of the equations of the theoryof elasticity, based on three iterative processes, a qualitative analysis of thestress-strain state of a radial inhomogeneous cylinder is carried out. On thebasis of the first iterative process of the method of asymptotic integration ofthe equations of the theory of elasticity, particular solutions of the equilibriumequations are constructed in the case when a smooth load is specified onthe lateral surface of the cylinder. An algorithm for constructing partial solutions of the equilibrium equations for special types of loads, the lateral surfaceof which is loaded by forces polynomially dependent on the axial coordinate,is carried out.Homogeneous solutions are constructed, i.e., any solutions of the equilibriumequations that satisfy the condition of the absence of stresses on the lateralsurfaces. It is shown that homogeneous solutions are composed of three types: penetrating solutions, solutions of the simple edge effect type, andboundary layer solutions. The nature of the stress-strain state is established.It is found that the penetrating solution and solutions having the character ofthe edge effect determine the internal stress-strain state of a radial inhomogeneous cylinder. Solutions that have the character of a boundary layer are localized at the ends of the cylinder and exponentially decrease with distancefrom the ends. These solutions are absent in applied shell theories.Based on the obtained asymptotic expansions of homogeneous solutions,it is possible to carry out estimates to determine the range of applicability ofexisting applied theories for cylindrical shells. Based on the constructed solutions,it is possible to propose a new refined applied theory