ASSESSMENT OF THE POTENTIAL FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF ELECTRIC POWER ENTERPRISES: APPROACHES, MODELS, TECHNOLOGIES Elektrik enerjisi müəssisələrinin davamlı inkişafı potensialının qiymətləndirilməsi: yanaşmalar, modellər, texnologiyalar Оценка потенциала устойчивого развития предприятий электроэнергетики: подходы, модели, технологии
istinad üçün kopyala
Mamedov Z., Qurbanov S., Streltsova E., Borodin A., Yakovenko I., Aliev A.
SOCAR Proceedings, vol.2022, pp.15-27, 2022 (ESCI)
Nəşrin Növü:
Article / Article
Nəşr tarixi:
Doi nömrəsi:
jurnalın adı:
SOCAR Proceedings
Jurnalın baxıldığı indekslər:
Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), Scopus, Compendex
Səhifə sayı:
Açar sözlər:
Electric power enterprises, Logical-linguistic approach, Mathematical modeling, Sustainable development
Qısa məlumat
This article poses and solves the problem of building a model toolkit for assessing the level of sustainable development of electric power enterprises. The indicators characterizing the state of the enterprise in terms of economic, environmental and social characteristics are proposed. In the economic aspect, it is proposed to focus on such a threat to sustainable economic development as economic insolvency. In the process of modeling economic insolvency, Altman's five-factor model scenarios are used. To resolve the contradictions between economic development, the rational use of resources and the negative impact on the environment, the article proposes a logical-linguistic model that allows to resolve this conflict.