Marketing activity in non-profit organizations: the example of organizations in Russia and Azerbaijan

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Ələskərova A.


Qısa məlumat

In modern economic conditions, marketing plays an important role in the activities of any company, regardless of the objectives of the activity, the functional specifics and the basis of financing. Marketing is widely used by commercial companies as a tool for shaping the image, corporate identity of the company, as well as a way to attract customers and stimulate sales channels. Marketing as a way to improve the efficiency of non-profit companies and as a mechanism for attracting financial resources within the legal framework of their activities, unfortunately, is now applicable but is limited. The main reason for the non-use of marketing concepts by non-profit entities is the low level of financial literacy of the subjects of the non-profit sector, reliance on the state as the main “financial distributor” of resources and the inability of non-profit organizations to exist autonomously or independently, while implementing their strategic and operational goals more efficiently and effectively. As practice shows in Russia, more than 80% of non-profit organizations depend on government funding, and only 20% are able to earn their own resources in parallel, which do not contradict the main concept of their existence. An important role in this matter is played by the study of the methodological basis and experience of using marketing in the activities of NGOs on the example of market economy countries. Among the main marketing concepts, applicable NPOs in developed and developing countries are the use of marketing mix tools, targeting the target product, determining the social effect, symbiosis of the methodological foundations of the functioning of commercial and non-commercial economic development blocks, network marketing. The use of marketing concepts in the activities of non-profit organizations contributes to the improvement of qualitative and quantitative indicators of active non-profit business entities, more rational use of the resource base and the achievement of a common development strategy as part of a common strategy for creating such structural units.