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Əkbərov E.

Economic and Social Development, vol.2, no.4, pp.129-133, 2020 (Conference Book)

  • Nəşrin Növü: Article / Article
  • Cild: 2 Say: 4
  • Nəşr tarixi: 2020
  • jurnalın adı: Economic and Social Development
  • Səhifə sayı: pp.129-133
  • Adres: Yox

Qısa məlumat

The article dealt with the increased role of marketing researches in formation of products market, also records were made about creation of alternative sale and distribution network in the sale of product and services, progressive methods of sales encouraging, increase of sale capacity and finally increase of profit. Naturally, the purpose of marketing researches consists of learning of existing condition of market and factors influenced to it, conducting of measures on their considering in the activity of company and hereby the decrease of uncertainty and risk level, also preparation of recommendations on coordination of company’s opportunities with opportunities of the market and consumer demand. The principal duty of marketing researches is elimination of inexact information allowed in entire marketing activity, risk and all kinds of unproductive costs and losses. The importance of marketing researches is determined with uncertainty in market activity of company and increase of the level of risk factor as a result of aggravation of competition struggle in the market, constant change in consumers’ purchase motivations and behaviors, unstable economic and social behavior of other market subjects, etc. Marketing researches are accepted as collection of information on its environment, use, analysis, generalization and preparation of recommendations on marketing activity. Correct preparation and realization of marketing strategy in this direction creates a condition for increase of market portion of company and being as a competitive company. Besides those said in the article, a comparative analysis of strategic and operative marketing is indicated and the information about functions and principles of marketing are stated in both approaches for firm. Also, it was emphasized that, marketing may be formed not only with finding of existing demand and substantial learning in spite of rival companies, but also it may be formed with new demand in consumers by means of integrated marketing communication. Moreover, the importance of this and other marketing researches and serving of these researches to consumer satisfaction was brought to the attention.