The IR-radiation receivers on a basis of gallium monoselenide

Abdinov A., Amirova S., Babayeva R., Ragimova N.

Applied Physics, vol.2015-January, no.5, pp.75-79, 2015 (Scopus) identifier

  • Nəşrin Növü: Article / Article
  • Cild: 2015-January Say: 5
  • Nəşr tarixi: 2015
  • jurnalın adı: Applied Physics
  • Jurnalın baxıldığı indekslər: Scopus
  • Səhifə sayı: pp.75-79
  • Açar sözlər: Background, Clearing, Crystals, Infrared, Local power levels, Negative photoconductivity, Radiation
  • Adres: Yox

Qısa məlumat

Consideration is given to negative photoconductivity and infrared quenching of intrinsic photoconductivity in the pure and alloyed with rare-earth elements gallium monoselenide crystals (p-GaSe). It is shown that both negative photoconductivity and infrared quenching of the intrinsic photoconductivity in p-GaSe crystals are stipulated by presence in the forbidden zone two types of recombination centers-fast and slow ones. Their memory character is connected with a spatial heterogeneity of the material Possibility of creation of infraredphotoresistors with background and background-free effect based on pure and alloyed p-GaSe crystals is supposed.