10th World Conference on Innovation and Computer Science (INSODE-2020), vol.20, pp.44-56, 2020 (Conference Book)
The priorities of stabilisation of the Azerbaijan economy require the search for approaches to the organisation of production
and economic activities on a new technological basis within the framework of the construction of structures of the Techno
park type. This article is devoted to issues of innovative development of key sectors of economy on the basis of digitalisation
and creation of technological parks in the Republic of Azerbaijan. This article examines the current situation of the digital
economy, its characteristic features, analyses the state of Techno parks and various approaches to the use of the digital
economy, as well as the prospects and trends of its development in the Republic of Azerbaijan. The aim of this article is to
develop theoretical and practical issues related to the innovative development of key sectors of the economy on the basis of
the introduction of scientific and technical structures of the Techno park type. The main result of this work is the allocation of
opportunities for the further successful development of key sectors of the economy on the basis of the creation of
technological parks in the Republic of Azerbaijan. The article considers theoretical and practical aspects of innovative
development of economic sectors on the basis of introduction of scientific and technical structures of Techno park type. It is
determined that one of the main problems of development of the country and its individual regions’ increase of investment
attractiveness and innovation activity. It is proved that insufficient use of the scientific and technological potential of the
country has been shown to be due to lack of organisational resources and organisational innovation.