VOPROSY ISTORII, vol.1, no.2, pp.224-231, 2022 (AHCI)
This article focuses on the missionary activity of Saint Elisha in the South Caucasus, exploring his route from Jerusalem to Albania. The article examines the territories passed by Saint Elisha in Albania, in particular the localization of the toponyms of his last journey, where he was killed in the Zargun valley and Gomenk. The article also provides detailed information on various myths and legends, associated with Saint Elisha and his disciples, which have survived to this day among the residents of the Gabala region of the Republic of Azerbaijan, which was the central province of Caucasian Albania. The ancient Albanian shrine is described in detail where Saint Elisha was killed. The article is based on available sources and historical toponymic materials, reports of archaeological expeditions, as well as on a comparison of field ethnographic materials collected in the Gabala region of Azerbaijan.