SOCAR PROCEEDINGS, vol.2021, no.4, pp.102-114, 2021 (ESCI)
The article is devoted to the development of economic and mathematical tools for assessing the level of investment attractiveness of oil companies. It is noted that the oil industry is the driver of economic development of any country. The spread of the COVID-19 pandemic has caused a significant problem of instability in the Russian oil sector. This problem is of a strategic nature and its solution requires the activation of investment in the oil complex enterprises and, as a result, the development and use of model tools to assess the level of investment attractiveness of investment objects. The economic and mathematical model proposed in this article is based on the application of the mathematical apparatus of fuzzy logic and allows us to give a quantitative assessment of the investment climate of oil companies when operating with qualitatively defined characteristics (multipliers). (C) 2021 "OilGasScientificResearchProject" Institute. All rights reserved.