Induced electronic phenomena in crystals of p-GaSe semiconductor promising for optoelectronics

Babayeva R.

International Conference PhysicA.SPb/2021, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 18 - 22 October 2021, vol.2103 identifier

  • Nəşrin Növü: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • Cild: 2103
  • Doi nömrəsi: 10.1088/1742-6596/2103/1/012179
  • Çap olunduğu şəhər: Saint Petersburg
  • Ölkə: Russia
  • Adres: Bəli

Qısa məlumat

An induced impurity photoconductivity by the electric field, thermally stimulated conductivity and spontaneous pulsations of the dark current were found in the undoped (with a dark resistivity ρ77≈3·104÷108 Ω·cm at T≈77 K) and erbium doped (NEr=10-5÷10-1 at.%) p-GaSe crystals in the temperature range of T≤240÷250 K at electric field strengths (E) creating a noticeable injection. It was found that the value of the observed impurity photoconductivity (Δii) monotonically increase at low illumination in undoped crystals with increasing ρ77 and its spectrum smoothly expands towards longer waves. The value of Δii and the width of its spectrum change non-monotonically with increasing NEr in doped crystal and it gets its maximum value at NEr≈5·10-4 at.%. The intensity of spontaneous pulsations increases with increasing E at the higher electric field strengths. However, the impurity photoconductivity and the peak of thermally stimulated conductivity gradually disappeared. The amplitude and frequency of the observed spontaneous pulsations of the dark current is increased with increasing in the injection ability of the contacts. Moreover, the pulsations of the dark current gradually disappeared with increasing T. It was shown that all these three phenomena are directly caused by the recharge of sticking levels with a depth εt≈εv+0.42 eV and a density Nt ≈ 1015 cm-3 by injected holes. However, in high-resistance undoped and doped NEr ≤ 10-2 at.% crystals, it is also necessary to consider the presence of random macroscopic defects in the samples to explain their features. A qualitative explanation is proposed based on the obtained results.