The effect of doping by rare earth elements on initial and sensibilized IR-photosensitivity of layered indium selenide crystals

Abdinov A., Babayeva R., Rzayev R., Eyvazova G.

18th International Conference on Photoelectronics and Night Vision Devices, Moscow, Russia, 25 - 28 May 2004, vol.5834, pp.299-303

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • Volume: 5834
  • City: Moscow
  • Country: Russia
  • Page Numbers: pp.299-303
  • Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC) Affiliated: Yes


The effect of doping by rare earth elements (REE) such as Gd, Ho and Dy at NREE ≈ 0÷10-1 at. % on initial, as well as sensibilized IR-photosensitivity in the crystals of layered semiconductor n-InSe have been investigated. It is shown that dependence of the initial and sensibilized IR-photosensitivity on the level of doping by REE in investigated InSe crystals is caused by dependence of a degree of spatial heterogeneity of a crystal, energy depth of shallow α - sticking levels and slow r-centers of recombination, and also density of shallow α - sticking levels on N REE.