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Hajiyeva G., Hajiyeva A., Dadashova K.

News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences, vol.1, no.451, pp.39-45, 2022 (Scopus) identifier


Some projects for prevention of the factors negatively affecting the environment and improvement of the ecological state have been realized and are presently going on in Azerbaijan and in the world. As a continuation of this work the renovation landscaping work has been carried out in Ganja and Mingachevir cities in our republic. A special attention was given to the good environment creation for the people to live in a clean environment in these cities which we note. The article examines the impact of the medical and sanitary conditions of the landscapes of Ganja and Mingachevir on the health of the urban population, draws up a table and makes comparisons with other countries. The most common diseases and their causes have been identified in Ganja and Mingachevir. Identified diseases and ways to eliminate them based on their causes are also identified and reflected in the article. The article also compiles the maps of ecological risk zones of Ganja and Mingachevir. İn these maps, ecological risky zones of urban landscapes are grouped according to the degree of danger. Five ecological risk zones have been identified for both cities. At last it has been concluded that these statistics indicators have decreased with the improvement of the ecological conditions of cities.