International Conference PhysicA.SPb/2021, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 18 - 22 October 2021, vol.2103
The features of the photo-e.m.f. are experimentally studied on the metal/n-InSe contact under conditions of heating the current carriers by an electric field in the temperature range of T0=77÷350 K. The dependences of the photo-e.m.f. (Uph) value have been measured in the absence of (Uph0) and under the condition of heating the current carriers (UphÊ), as well as the value of ΔUph=(UphÊ-Uph0) from the wavelength (λ) and light intensity (I), heating electric field strength (Ê), time (τ), temperature (T0), the initial value of the dark resistivity (ρD0 at 77K) n-InSe. It has been established that the heating of current carriers by an electric field significantly affects the magnitude and behavior of the photo-e.m.f. characteristics on the metal/n-InSe contact. The nature of this effect depends on T0, ρD0, I. The value of UphÊ significantly exceeds the value of Uph0. With an increase in Ê, the value of ΔUph increases linearly (ΔUph~Ê) at relatively small Ê, and the dependence of ΔUph(Ê) reaches saturation at higher Ê. The value of ΔUph decreases with increasing ρD0, at relatively small Ê. With an increase in ρD0, the relaxation time of the photo-e.m.f. also increases when turned off the pulse of the electric field. The obtained experimental results are explained on the basis of the dependence of the photo-e.m.f. on the metal/n-InSe contact on the effective temperature of heated current carriers (Te), considering the effect of the spatial inhomogeneity of n-InSe crystals on the photo-e.m.f. and on the process of heating the current carriers.