Balayev R., Aliyeva M., Badalova S., Hajizada S., Abdullayeva S.

37th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development - Socio Economic Problems of Sustainable Development, Baku, Azerbaijan, 14 - 15 February 2019, pp.1150-1157 identifier

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • City: Baku
  • Country: Azerbaijan
  • Page Numbers: pp.1150-1157
  • Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC) Affiliated: Yes


Information society is the new stage of development of a civilization, concept of post-industrial society. Improvement of the main characteristics of information and communication technologies, is considered a necessary step for satisfaction of important conditions of democracy in information society. The research of sustainable development of information society is important in terms of the solution of global problems. To characterize these aspects it is necessary to conduct a complex research. In this case, advantages of information society have to be defined and also influences of information society on global problems are estimated. The main essence of this article is made by a research in terms of sustainable development of the main priorities and aspects of development of information society. In article are characterized the visible contours of information society, and are revealed its advantages and threats. It is also estimated influence of information society to global problems. Functions of information society from a point sight of ensuring sustainable development are specified. Possibilities of sustainable development of information society are opened, its potential opportunities for the solution of global problems are investigated. Are characterized a view from Azerbaijan of aspects of sustainable development of information society and the taken steps.