Formation of a Protective Oxide Coating on the Surface of Stainless Steel under Radiation-Oxidative Pretreatment with Gamma Quanta

Agaev T., Melikova S., Tagiev M.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research, vol.11, no.3, pp.619-622, 2020 (Scopus) identifier

  • Nəşrin Növü: Article / Article
  • Cild: 11 Say: 3
  • Nəşr tarixi: 2020
  • Doi nömrəsi: 10.1134/s2075113320030028
  • jurnalın adı: Inorganic Materials: Applied Research
  • Jurnalın baxıldığı indekslər: Scopus, Compendex, INSPEC
  • Səhifə sayı: pp.619-622
  • Açar sözlər: corrosion, gamma irradiation, oxide layer, protective coating, radiation pretreatment, stainless steel
  • Adres: Bəli

Qısa məlumat

Abstract: Experimental methods for protection of metals from corrosion by radiation-oxidative treatment in hydrogen peroxide are considered. It is established that such treatment of stainless steel for 30–50 h (D = 123–205 kGy) leads to the formation of a surface oxide film that passivates the surface of the metal during thermal and radiation-thermal processes of water decomposition. With an increase in the thickness of the oxide film, its defectiveness increases and the oxidation of the metal phase increases.