37th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development - Socio Economic Problems of Sustainable Development, Baku, Azerbaijan, 14 - 15 February 2019, pp.199-205
Taking into consideration the world experience of economic development, global, national and regional characteristics, transition problem of the sustainable economic development of Azerbaijan, the country's development level, existing balance of resources and its utilization, farwarding movement of opportunities in the near perspectives, as well as the obtained results in all the sectors and directions of the national economy of Azerbaijan, the created economic, scientific-technical, financial potentiality, human capital, institutional, basing on the normative-legal and legislative bases of its theoretical and methodological and practically realizing problemes are researched in the aricle. Challenges of sustainable development strategy and its practical implementation: The systematic SWOT analysis of the development of the national economy, its strong and weak sides, capacities, negative global pressures, threat identification, evaluation tasks are revealed in a logical consistency on the basis of 360-degree diagnostics. For the realization of the sustainable development concept mechanism of Azerbaijan, the implementation of innovation-oriented investment policy, creating a strong economic and market infrastructure meeting international standards, forming a national innovation system, sharpening the share of intellectual capital in (GDP) gross domestic product, implementation of appropriate inevitable institutional changes requiring the condition and demand of market in a global world, determination of the amount of transfers from the oil funds to the budget according to the "golden rule" principles, the optimal ratio application of sustainable fiscal and effective monetary policy with the process of socio-economic regulation, vast utilization of targeted programs in the major fields and directions of the national economy and in a whole it is necessary to deepen the reforms from the sustainable development point of view. The concrete suggestions and recommendations are put forward at the end of the article in accordance with the improvement process of sustainable development transition of the country in the near future.