In this study, the relationship between space and geography in the composition of nationalism is examined. As a modern ideology, nationalism has been the most powerful ideology for the last two centuries that have shaped the world map, constructing identities and influencing people's worlds of meaning. Understanding the content of nationalism, which is such a powerful ideology, is essential in understanding today's events. Therefore, in the present study, the relationship between nationalism and geography is explained through the concept of space, which is one of the two components of identity phenomena. This statement, what is the effect of geography on the composition of nationalism? The answer to the question is made around. It is necessary to understand the conceptual and methodological frameworks of the study to answer this question. The literature review constitutes the methodological framework of the study. The literature on nationalism has been analyzed in this manner. The conceptual framework, on the other hand, constitutes nationalism, nationalism-nation, and nationalism-geography relations. French, German and Turkish nationalisms explain the concepts of homeland, motherland, and fatherland. Consequently, it can be said that in addition to the role of geography in understanding nationalism, it also determines the forms of nationalism concerning the concepts of homeland, motherland, and fatherland.