The oil business is not just about exploration and production. It also includes major oil corporations in transit, sales, transportation, service, consulting, marketing and research. All economic entities of the state, enterprises and organizations control financial activity by legislative and executive authorities. Financial control is used in the economy as a tool to detect violations of the balance of natural and value indicators of the national product, one or another inconsistency in the process of macro and microeconomic regulation. Globalization and a large influx of integration processes make oil and gas an important product of the world market, and its price depends on trends here. The price issue is mainly trends in the sales market and production costs are included. The main goal is to determine directions that collect and effectively manage foreign exchange earnings and other revenues from the sale of oil and gas from the development of the country's oil fields with foreign companies, to ensure the use of these funds for the development of priority sectors. The comparative research method has been selected as it is indispensable to compare statistical data of different countries that import and export natural resources from the Caspian region. Moreover, the basic methods used to make a strategic prediction such as sensitivity analysis and scenario planning. Today, along with the fundamental foundations that strengthen the oil and gas industry, there are also negative realities that slow down development. The positive trends observed in the oil industry of the Caspian region over the past hundred years have been seriously reflected in the socio-economic life of the people.