The impact of worldwide governance indicators on renewable energy production in Caspian sea countries

Guliyeva A., Rzayeva U., Guliyeva G.

International Journal of Energy, Environment and Economics, vol.26, no.2, pp.97-114, 2020 (Scopus) identifier

  • Publication Type: Article / Article
  • Volume: 26 Issue: 2
  • Publication Date: 2020
  • Journal Name: International Journal of Energy, Environment and Economics
  • Journal Indexes: Scopus, ABI/INFORM, Agricultural & Environmental Science Database, Geobase, zbMATH
  • Page Numbers: pp.97-114
  • Keywords: Corruption, Government effectiveness, Political stability, Renewable energy
  • Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC) Affiliated: Yes


The article considers the energy potential of the Caspian countries. Exhaustion of energy resources is the most serious problem for the countries of the world. The implementation of renewable alternative energy projects requires expensive infrastructure, for the creation of which not all states are ready either by the structure of public administration or by terms of available resources. The article analyzes the influence of the Worldwide Governance Indicators of the five Caspian states on the generation of alternative energy in these countries. The authors present a conclusion based on statistical calculations about the change in the trend of alternative energy production under the influence of these indicators.