Structural analysis of ZrO2 and TiO2 nanoparticles Структурный анализ наночастиц ZrO2 и TiO2

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Imanova G.

Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, vol.23, no.6, pp.1114-1121, 2023 (Scopus) identifier

Qısa məlumat

The constituent parts of systems where radiation-catalytic processes occur usually differ in terms of mass and electron density, structural characteristics, electrophysical and chemical properties. Therefore, interaction between phases in any form has a sharp effect on the direction and parameters of the processes in individual components. In this work, X-ray diffraction patterns of nano-ZrO2 and nano-TiO2 samples were obtained before and after gamma irradiation. The crystal structures of these samples have been studied. The resulting X-ray diffraction pattern was mainly determined by the atomic plane (ε), the intensity of the obtained peaks, the corresponding syngony of the sample, the lattice size, density, lattice constants, and the distance between the phase groups. The X-ray diffraction data were processed using the Fullprof program. Full-profile processing of ZrO2 X-ray diffraction data showed that the initial sample has a monoclinic structure (space group P21/c) with the following lattice parameters: a = 5.1506 Å, b = 5.2080 Å, c = 5.3293 Å. Full-profile processing of X-ray diffraction analysis of ZrO2 after gamma irradiation showed a change in the structure from the monoclinic (space group P21/c) phase to the triclinic (space group P1). Full profile processing of TiO2 X-ray diffraction data showed that the sample has a tetragonal structure (space group P42/mnm) with the following lattice parameters: a = b = 4.5931 Å, c = 2.9592 Å and unit cell. As a result of calculations (BR = 1.27; RF = 1.98; χ2 = 2.68), it was found that the structure of the initial TiO2 sample is single-phase, tetragonal, and is described by the space group P42/mnm. Crystal structure of ZrO2 (monoclinic structures, space group P21/c). Crystal structure of TiO2 (tetragonal structure space group P42/mnm). The scientific component of the article is of interest because it touches upon the issues of structural transformations of zirconium oxide and titanium under the action of gamma radiation.