Ethnic variety in South Caucasus: Conflicts and perspectives

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Shirvanova T.

Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, vol.4, no.11, pp.481-487, 2013 (Scopus) identifier

Qısa məlumat

Caucasus as one of the most historical human living places of the world has been homeland for a lot of very different civilizations and cultures. Because of geopolitical and geostrategical importance, region has always been intersection point of interest and area for wars between great powers. As a result of struggle for region, since the beginning of 19th century Caucasus passed under control of Russian Empire and today's ethnic and political conflicts of region are fruit of "divide and rule" policy implemented by Russia since that time. During the period of USSR with the impact of very strict policy by Moscow, ethnic conflicts of region were frozen and kept for future till when there will be need for them. First conflict started between Azerbaijanian and Armenian people living in the Nagorno Karabakh region of Azerbaijan and soon after turned into a regional war between Azerbaijan and Armenia. Separation demands of the Abkhaz and the Ossettians living in Georgian territory caused Georgian-Abkhaz and Georgian-Ossetian conflicts. On the other hand, geopolitical and geostrategical position of the South Caucasus Region increased its importance in new world order. After the collapse of the USSR, regional powers such as Russian Federation,Turkey and Iran started to compete in order to bridge the authority gap in the region. In this context, regional powers' relations with the South Caucasus States determined the course of the ethnic conflicts. So, there is absolutely complicated situation about conflicts in the region and all these problems are waiting for their solution.