37th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development - Socio Economic Problems of Sustainable Development, Baku, Azerbaijan, 14 - 15 February 2019, pp.1037-1043
The adaptation of labor relations and its regulation acts as a component of state's economic policy. The purpose of the article is to have a glance at the formulation level of labor market in the republic, as well as, pay particular attention to the implementation of improvement of employment relating to the agrarian field, labor, labor sociology, investigation of scientific profile of labor relations are highlighted in the research paper of some economic scientists. The statistic indicators stipulating economic development of the Republic of Azerbaijan, labor market activities, as well as imfrinted indicators are used in the article. Considering the social importance of the problem and rational management of labor market and its regulation, a lot of measures are implemented in this field. Being the leading force of economic development the formulation and regulation of labor market is a complex process as social, demographic, psychological factors influence to the labor market. That is why the economic scientists have a long dispute for the formulation of labor market. According to the western economic theory the labor market is considered as a place where only one of the production resources is realized. This conceptual task is envisaged from 4 angels and have their own peculiarities. The reforms carried out in the republic caused to the radical changes, and dynamic economic development is provided. Some measures are implemented particularly in the provision of economic development of regions, social well fare etc. New work places, institutions and infrastructures are created for the purpose providing the populations' employment.