Abdullayeva N.

37th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development - Socio Economic Problems of Sustainable Development, Baku, Azerbaijan, 14 - 15 February 2019, pp.1087-1091 identifier

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • City: Baku
  • Country: Azerbaijan
  • Page Numbers: pp.1087-1091
  • Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC) Affiliated: Yes


Nowadays, tourism is a global computerized (digitalized) business, including participation of airline companies, hotel chains, and travel corporations. Globalization has become not only the real basis for the formation of mass tourism, but also has a tremendous impact on innovative activities in the socio-cultural sphere. Tourism uses advanced technologies, which include new products, microprocessors, media and communication technology. Given that approximately 1/7 of the world's population are involved in the tourism activity yearly, we can confidently discuss the actuality of challenges in tourism. The emergence of modern means of media and communication (ICT) has a profound impact on economic production and people's daily routine activities. Contemporary tourists' activities, the work of tourism companies and organizations cannot be imagined without ICT. Currently, customized technologies tailored for individual tourism are demanded and being developed at a rapid pace. The aim of the study is to examine Azerbaijan's potential in the implementation of innovative technologies in the sphere of tourism. The research of tourism companies and organizations' activities countries shows that they achieve success not only through ICT, but also through an individual approach to building an innovative model of managing the tourism business. The possibility of implementing innovative models of tourism business management is regulated exclusively by the state. State policy, legislation, environmental protection, healthcare, the level of development of human and natural resources are indicators that determine the effectiveness of the country's tourism sphere. Based on this, the study attempted to identify the the impact of these indicators on the efficiency and optimal level of performance of the tourism business in Azerbaijan. As a result, innovation in tourism should be aimed at creating a new or upgrading and customizing existing products and services, improving transportation and logistics infrastructure, hospitality and other services, developing new niche markets, as well as implementing advanced ICT into organizational and management activities within the industry. With the introduction of advanced technologies in the field of tourism, the term "globalization" began to have a more fundamental role, providing access to data recreation types, prices, online accessibility to accommodation details and purchase of tour packages. This kind of new approach had a great influence not only in the sphere of tourism on the global scale but also exerted an influence on the development in the respective countries. Considering Azerbaijan's historical sightseeing places, one of the ideas recommended to be realized is the implementation of Augmented Realities (AR) in the tourism industry. Unfortunately, over the past few years, we have witnessed a significant decrease in the numbers of tourists visiting the museums. Through the help of the integration of AR in the application, the process of viewing the exhibits can be made more interactive, resulting in the hands-on experience, which will make the country's history more memorable for tourists. Consequently, innovations in tourism should be considered as permanent, global, and dynamic processes.