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Murshudli F. F.

MGIMO REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS, no.1, pp.186-212, 2018 (ESCI) identifier

Qısa məlumat

Development of the international banking business, the formation of its new paradigm in the context of globalization of the financial system and the intensification of global economic relations in recent years requires the innovative component. The combination of innovations, financial and external economic environment is one of the most important factors that characterize the phenomenon of the "new economy". Therefore, innovative processes should be considered in conjunction with the changes of the processes connected with the foreign trade banking. The article gives a brief overview of the scientific literature on the international banking business and its innovative trends. Prerequisites are disclosed, direction and purpose of banking innovations, the area of their implementation and multi-vector forms of manifestation, reveals problems of innovative development of the international banking business, identifies potential paths of their solutions. The necessity of implementation of the innovative methods and instruments of bank service of foreign economic activity is justified and measures for their introduction in this process are offered. A wide spectrum of innovative trends of international banking business is defined as internal competitive environment, and external vectors. The author draws the attention to the contribution of the improvement of the sustainability and competitiveness of the business in terms of volatility of market processes. In the article on the example of the Republic of Azerbaijan presents practical recommendations on the development of innovative technologies in the banking system, the implementation of main tasks in this area, which are aimed to the development of effective management decisions on innovative international banking business in the foreseeable short and medium term.