Characteristics of Household Energy Consumption in the Shadow of the Russia-Ukraine War-A Case Study from Hungary

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Tóth G., Jáger V., Kovalszky Z., Bóday P., Ádám D., Kincses Á., ...More

International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management, vol.40, pp.52-70, 2024 (Scopus) identifier


This study aims to identify the factors affecting household energy consumption by applying spatial econometric models. Our findings suggest that sharp energy price growth is followed by significant reductions in household energy consumption, but it is difficult to distinguish specific consumer groups. Weather conditions are of particular importance (compared to the EU average). The results highlight two things: a) the problem of obsolete housing stock and the need for energy efficiency improvements and b) the low energy awareness of households, especially before the energy crisis. Furthermore, hotspots with higher per capita gas consumption are also identified in Hungary. The geographical dimension is crucial, and it is not possible to make and general decisions on energy efficiency issues. Effective results can be achieved through spatially concentrated interventions.