Social support as a mediator between selected trait engagement and employee engagement

Okojie G., Alam A. F., Begum H., Ismail I. R., Sadik-Zada E. R.

Social Sciences and Humanities Open, vol.10, 2024 (Scopus) identifier

  • Nəşrin Növü: Article / Article
  • Cild: 10
  • Nəşr tarixi: 2024
  • Doi nömrəsi: 10.1016/j.ssaho.2024.101080
  • jurnalın adı: Social Sciences and Humanities Open
  • Jurnalın baxıldığı indekslər: Scopus
  • Açar sözlər: Autotelic personality, Employee engagement, Lagos, Nigeria, Proactive personality, Social support, Trait engagement
  • Adres: Bəli

Qısa məlumat

Employee engagement construct has become well-known among scholars, practitioners, researchers, and consulting bodies to improve employee productivity, help organisations achieve set goals, and remain competitive globally. However, many studies on employee engagement have mainly concentrated on organisational factors, focusing less on individual factors. Also, despite prominent literature on personality, studies on how specific personalities affect individuals' engagement levels at work are still limited. By examining the relationship between autotelic personality, proactive personality, and employee engagement with an emphasis on the mediating effect of social support, this study aims to bridge the gap. A cross-sectional survey approach was adopted for this study to collect information from a sample of 260 registered nurses working in public hospitals in Lagos, Nigeria. The data was analysed using AMOS-27 statistical software. The results demonstrated that proactive favourably connects to employee engagement, while the association between autotelic personality and employee engagement was insignificant. Also, the mediating effect of social support on proactive personality and employee engagement was significant. While testing the structural model, one regression path was removed because, apart from being insignificant, it was also affecting the significance level of other variables. Removing the insignificant variables is acceptable in the regression path to establish the dependent variables and strengthen the mode. This paper adds to the present knowledge that trait engagement (proactive personality) may predispose employees to be engaged or disengaged. Also, through social support, proactive individuals will show more personal initiative to work and solve challenges through perceived social support in the organisation.