The paper deals with the analysis of the approaches in defining the main research directions in the field of leasing of innovations and innovations in leasing. Developing the Internet and expansion of mobile Internet, the advent of the Internet of Devices, Fintech, Insurtech and development of sharing economy provokes many debates about the future of innovation within the asset finance and innovation in the leasing of assets. This paper aimed to determine the scientific publication tendencies in the field investigating the issues on leasing of innovations and innovations in leasing to identifying prospective research areas. The methodological instruments of this paper are bibliographic tool VOSviewer, Scopus and Web of Science (WoS) databases. The study sample is 2513 scientific documents, published in the scientific journals indexed by Scopus (1915 documents) and WoS (598 documents) databases. The study has no limit time sample. The obtained results by Scopus and WoS tools showed the growing publication tendencies on the investigated issues. Besides, the number of papers in Scopus database had a growing tendency with a variable rate. There is a significant increase in the number of papers that occurred from 2000 to 2010. In turn, the number of paper in journals indexed by WoS had been regular rising during the analyzed period with a growth rate of 19,9%. Thus, this database shows a considerable growth of publications from 2010 to 2019. In 2019 the number of articles in the field of leasing of innovations and innovations in leasing increased by 412% compared to 2010. Therefore, the investigated issues remain popular in investigations of the great string of the scientists. In the Scopus database, mostly the issues on leasing of innovations and innovations in leasing were investigated under the subject area as follows: Medicine, Engineering, Social Sciences, Environmental Science, Business, Management and Accounting, Computer Science. The author noted that the most significant part of the scientists which analyzed the leasing of the innovations and innovations in leasing was from the USA, China, United Kingdom and Germany. Herewith, in 2019, the number of papers devoted to investigated issues enhanced in scientific journals with high impact factors such as Land Use Policy, European Journal of Operational Research, Ecology and Society. Therefore, it indicates that investigated issues are actually in the trends of sharing economy. The obtained results by VOSviewer analysis allowed identifying six clusters of the scientific publications scrutinized the leasing of the innovations and innovations in leasing from different perspectives. It worth to mention that three out of six clusters have a close connection. The first biggest cluster links the keywords as follows: sustainable development, environmental impact, environmental protection, energy policy, land use, land management, fishery management, laws and legislation,risk assessment, etc. In turn, the second cluster indicated on the investigations in the sphere of information system and software in leasing. Three clusters (the third, fourth and fifth) are connected by the words "leasing - legal aspect - health care/medical practice management - hospital equipment/hospital information system", etc. The keywords such as financial management, taxes, capital financing, leasing - property, capital expenditure, accounting, legal aspect, management and tax connected them with the sixth cluster.