Towards more robust energy policy metrics: Proposing a dashboard and blueprint to tackle complexity

Gatto A., Luzzati T., Drago C.



Research on energy policy indicators has generated a large number of publications on hot-button issues. The tackled concepts are multidimensional and intertwined - which increases the twistedness and overlap of their definition. Moreover, the methods used to synthesise complex phenomena are often simplistic and not very robust. This short paper attempts to contribute to the vast sectoral scholarship by offering a bird's eye view of the topic. To this purpose, first, a comprehensive dashboard on multidimensional energy policy metrics interpretation is proposed; then, the main methodological issues affecting composite indicators are discussed. The proposal can serve as a swift state-of-the-art of existing metrics and as an agenda to reconcile and address pending methodological problems. This contribution can also help to advocate policymaking and public dialogue.