37th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development - Socio Economic Problems of Sustainable Development, Baku, Azerbaijan, 14 - 15 February 2019, pp.1239-1247
This work indicates that social protection is a system of social and legal measures which provides all the citizens with a certain standard of living and is aimed at supporting individual groups. The improvement of social welfare of low-income population is always in the focus of the state. Recently important steps have been taken for improving the living standard of the population that need a special social protection, and in the field of their active integration into society. Attraction people of this category to numerous social prodrams has successfully been realized. A lot of work has been done for improving social and living conditions and the social payments allocated to this category people were regularly increased from year to year.It was noted that self-employment measures have particular importance in strengthening the socially sensitive part of the population, social protection of low-income families and increasing living standards, passing from traditional "passive" policy measures to "active" employment policies.As a result of the measures envisaged in the Strategic Roadmap on the sectors of the economy, the share of informal employment in the economy will be reduced, foreign investment in the non-oil sector and exports in the non-oil sector will be increased, additional workplaces inproduction and tourism sector will be created, and small and medium-sized businesses will grow. Specifically, it encourages women and the youth for social-public programs in rural areas and businessmen to participate in entrepreneurship training programs in vocational education institutions, increases dynamics of salaries for years and expands employment opportunities in non-agricultural areas, causes the timely implementation of the Strategic Roadmap to contribute to the implementation of the targets set.