The desire for development in developed and developing countries has caused difficulties in realizing environmental goals. For this reason, initiatives such as Sustainable Development Goals have been taken to balance economic growth and environmental goals. Recent research from a sustainable development perspective has shown that skilled human capital, green technology, and ICT play an essential role in the sustainable management of natural resources. In this context, the present study aims to reveal the impact of natural resource rent, economic complexity, human development, green technological innovation, and ICT on ecological footprint. It also focuses on the moderating role of green technological innovation and ICT in the relationship between natural resource rent and ecological footprint. The findings show that natural resources and ICT are the causes of environmental degradation in G7 countries, whereas economic complexity, human development, and green technological innovation improve environmental quality. It has also been discovered that ICT and green technological innovation have a moderating role in the natural resources of G7 countries. In E7 countries, natural resource rent and economic complexity increase environmental degradation, whereas human development, ICT, and green technological innovation contribute to environmental quality. Causality findings are similar in both country groups. The findings show that synergies between SDG-4 and SDG-13 in G7 and E7 countries can help achieve climate action sustainably and effectively. Moreover, achieving SDG 13 in E7 countries requires interactive policies to achieve SDG-12 and SDG-17. Achieving SDG-8 and SDG-17 targets in G7 countries can contribute to combating climate change.