Resources Policy, vol.98, 2024 (SSCI)
Export control policies for mineral resources may constrain the development of countries in the Global South. This study used data from 31 countries from 2009 to 2021 and employed a double fixed effects (FE) model to explore the impact of mineral resource export control policies implemented by countries in the Global South on sustainable energy transition. Our results show that prohibiting the export of base metals and ores significantly inhibits energy transitions. Moreover, energy transition performance improves when only licensing requirements are implemented without the enforcement of export bans and taxes. This study also highlights the importance of improved governance in mitigating the adverse effects of export prohibitions. Improvements in governance, such as corruption control, regulatory quality, rule of law, and voice/accountability, provide institutional guarantees for sustainable energy transition. This study also provides insights into measures that can help the countries in the Global South to balance resource conservation and clean energy development.