Australian Journal of Maritime and Ocean Affairs, 2024 (Scopus)
In the ever-evolving realm of offshore safety, the Basic Offshore Safety Induction and Emergency Training (BOSIET) program holds paramount importance in ensuring the proficiency of personnel in the challenging offshore setting. Traditionally, BOSIET assessments have utilised a binary evaluation, categorising individuals as either competent or incompetent. Nonetheless, this binary approach oversimplifies the multifaceted nature of offshore competencies. Our paper advocates for a paradigm shift towards an integrated assessment framework that transcends a simplistic pass/fail dichotomy. Drawing inspiration from diverse industries, our proposed approach encompasses a spectrum of competencies, recognising the varied skills requisite in offshore contexts. By embracing this integrated methodology, the BOSIET assessment endeavours to furnish a more nuanced comprehension of an individual's readiness for offshore duties. In conclusion, embracing this integrated approach ensures that offshore personnel are not solely proficient in technical aspects but also equipped with the diverse skills essential for navigating the intricacies of offshore operations.