Economic Issues II

Creative Commons License

Bağırzadə E. (Editor), Koç S. (Editor), Akgül I. (Editor)

İqtisad Universiteti, Baku, 2020

  • Nəşrin Növü: Book / Research Book
  • Nəşr tarixi: 2020
  • Nəşriyyat: İqtisad Universiteti
  • Çap olunduğu şəhər: Baku
  • Adres: Bəli

Qısa məlumat

PREFACE For the solution of different economic problems, economists studying in various research areas need multi disciplinary approach. To improve quality of people’s lives as well as wealth, economists need to analyze different economic issues to understand the dynamics behind them and to forge a link between related issues. These investigations may lead to solutions to overcome many economic problems. During this investigation, one of the most important impediments that prevents analyst to make a comprehensive analysis is the fact that economics has multi-dimensional and multi-disciplinary charateristics. Therefore, this book consists of selected papers from different disciplines in social sciences as chapters presented in 6th European Congress on Economic Issues held in Kocaeli in November 2019 and it is printed as a continuation of first “Economic Issues” book containing chapters presented in first ECOEI.

We would like to thank all the invited speakers, reviewers, authors and organizers participating in 6th ECOEI. This book is the result of not only their contributions, time, and efforts but also their dedication to science. The high-quality scientific contributions included in this volume serve as extensive documentation basis for those interested. We hope that this book can serve a very important purpose and it brings a real added value to the related literature.


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