Müəssisə məlumatları: Beynəlxalq İqtisadiyyat Məktəbi, Beynəlxalq İqtisadiyyat Və Biznes Kafedrası
WoS Tədqiqat Sahələri: Business, Management, Industrial Relations & Labor, Economics, Development Studies
AVESİS Tədqiqat Sahələri: Economic Policy, Theory of Economy, International Economics, Development Economics and Economic Growth, Management of Enterprises, Science of Strategy

Nəşrlərdə adlar: Ибрагим М. Нифтиев, Нифтиев Ибрахим, Ibrahim Niftiyev



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Dr. Niftiyev holds a PhD in economics from the University of Szeged (Hungary) and currently teaches courses in economics and business administration at the Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC). He is passionate about issues of sectoral development, economic growth, industrial policy, sustainable entrepreneurship and stakeholder theory. He is a research fellow at the Center for European Economies (UNEC).