Müəssisə məlumatları: Ümumi Fənlərin Tədrisinin Təşkili Departamenti, Humanitar Fənlər Kafedrası
WoS Tədqiqat Sahələri: Arts & Humanities (Ahci), Social Sciences (Soc)
AVESİS Tədqiqat Sahələri: Archaelogy and History of Art, Economics, Education, Art

Nəşrlərdə adlar: Hasanova Jamila Vagif



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BMT-nin Dayanıqlı İnkişaf Məqsədləri
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Hasanova Jamila Vagif gizi

Academic activity

Jamila Vagif gizi Hasanova graduated from Baku State University with a "History" faculty in 2007 and from Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University in 2009 with a "History" major. He was a doctoral candidate in Archeology and Ethnography at ANAS. In 2017, he defended his thesis entitled "The First Bronze Age Material Culture of Mil-Karabakh." In March 2021, he was awarded a Doctor of Philosophy in History by AAK.

From 2008 to 2010, a laboratory assistant at the "History of Azerbaijan" department of the Azerbaijan State University of Economics, since 2010, I have a teacher in the same department, and since 2016, a teacher in the "Humanities" department, since 2017, and a senior teacher in the same department works in his position. He teaches "History of Azerbaijan" subjects in Azerbaijani, Russian, and English languages ​​at UNEC.

            The same C.V. Hasanova taught in SABAH groups at UNEC since 2016, was a quality ambassador in the "Quality Control Department" and started the activity of the Board of Young Teachers in education and university. In the 2016-2017 academic year, the Mevlana exchange program is an experience at the "Archaeology" faculty of the Institute of Literature of Akdeniz University of Turkey. In the 2019-2020 academic year, he again had an internship at the "Archaeology" faculty of Katip Celebi University with the Mevlana program. In 2020, the Free Trade Union of Education Workers of Azerbaijan received the honorary title of "Highest Youth of the Year" in the competition held among Republican Universities. In 2019, he participated in the Academic Writing course organized by the British Council at UNEC, and at the end of the exam, he passed the exam and raised his certificate to the B2 level. In July 2021, it was obtained as a result of funding from the US Embassy participated in the 3-month Academic and Social Research Methods course of ADA University, and was awarded with an academic certificate of ADA University. In the 2021-2022 academic year, she worked as an assistant to the staff of the Monitoring group, organized in the department of organization of teaching of general subjects, and participated in more than 20 scientific training and seminars. 20 For Trainers, having completed the 20th anniversary of Israel, he was awarded an international trainer certificate and works as a trainer.

Participates in social activities of the university. In the 2016-2017 academic year, 2017, and in the 2018 academic year, he was awarded a letter of appreciation from the rector of UNEC. In 2018, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the APC, a play called "APC Paris Peace Conference" was shown. For this activity, he was awarded with a letter of appreciation from the rector of UNEC. In 2020, in connection with "UNEC Day", he was awarded a letter of thanks for his participation in the opening of the University.

J. Hasanova is the author of 45 scientific articles and theses (these articles were published in different parts of the world in Turkey, Ukraine, USA, Italy, Russia, Cyprus, and Kyrgyzstan), 1 methodological manual, 1 monograph is available. 5 scientific articles are indexed in Web of Sciences journals, 2 scientific articles are indexed in Scopus journals. He has a place in various conferences as a scientific secretary, organizing body and scientific institutions, and also participated as a moderator.

Since 2022, she has been a doctoral student at the Institute of Archeology and Anthropology of ANAS.