Azerbaycan Okullarında Tarih Egitimi: Sovyet İdeolojisinden Vazgeçiş ve Otoriter Yöntemlerin Sürdürülmesi

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Eyyubov A.

AKADEMIK TARIH VE DÜŞÜNCE DERGISI, vol.5, no.16, pp.52-63, 2018 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)

Qısa məlumat

The Teaching of History in Schools :  the Refusal of the Soviet Ideology  The Continuation of Authoritarian Methods Abstract Three sides of history, science, continuity (knowledge and experience of the new generation transmission) and ideology (selective heritage). The relative balance of objectivity.In Soviet times, the absolute superiority of the ideological aspect, and even contrary to science and continuity will be able to level up will hurt. Being a part of the Soviet empire in the history of the teaching of science and ideology of slavery. The teaching of history from the time of independence, the refusal to promote communism, the ideology of the inherent class. However, the change of approach in terms of lack of understanding on the necessity of reducing the role of ideology aspect, simply replace it with a new ideology. The emerging national ideology, historians still debate and dispute the scientific approbation identified elements of the surrounding area without taking a history textbooks.Assessing the activities of the modern ideological aspects of historical figures, history, identity, the political, economic, social and cultural aspects of the mark, ignoring them or shoot, the students will take place in a one-sided way to present an alternative.  At the beginning of the twenty-first century, some minor adjustments in the school history textbooks for ideological reasons. Textbook page volume declined any material conditions of existence of removal, replacement of the scientific basis of the disclosure and, in general, to explain to the general public. Keywords: History, Education, Ideological approach, Authoritarian, Narrator