MITTEILUNGEN KLOSTERNEUBURG, vol.1, no.70, pp.10-19, 2020 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
The yields of opaque juice and pomaсe of the fruits of Palov-kodu-268, Perekhvatka-69 pumpkin varieties, Sary heyva quince variety, Hyakume persimmon variety, and berries of dog-rose have been determined. When using non-thermal and thermal processing methods for the pumpkin varieties, the non-pulpy juice yield per total weight was 41.6-49.7% and 55.4-56.2%, respectively. Whereas, the juice yield per pulp weight ranged from 51.4% to 59.6% and from 67.4 to 68.3% after applying non-thermal and thermal processing methods, respectively. The opaque juice yield per total weight as well as per pulp weight was determined in quince, persimmon fruits, and dog-rose berries. When applying a non-thermal method, the opaque juice yield per total weight in the quince and persimmon fruits was 31.0% and 64.1%, respectively. The non-thermal processing of dog-rose berries appeared to be inefficient for obtaining juice. Therefore, dog-rose berries were processed only by the thermal method. When the thermal processing was applied, the juice yield per total weight was found to be 38.0%, 74.1% and 42.0% for quince, persimmon, and dog-rose, respectively. As a result of the non-thermal processing, the juice yield per pulp was 45.9% in quince and 68.8% in persimmon. However, when the thermal processing was applied, the juice yield was 56.3 %. 73.6%. and 46.9 % in quince, persimmon, and dog-rose, respectively. The pomaсe yield was also determined using various methods.