Ümumi Məlumat

Müəssisə məlumatları: Ümumi Fənlərin Tədrisinin Təşkili Departamenti, Humanitar Fənlər Kafedrası
WoS Tədqiqat Sahələri: Life Sciences (Life)
AVESİS Tədqiqat Sahələri: Social Sciences and Humanities
Tərcümeyi hal

Maharramova Svetlana Telman qizi

Born on August 27, 1967 in the Kamchatka region of the Russian Federation.

In 1985-1990, she studied at Baku State University.

By appointment, from 04.09.1990, she worked as a chemistry-biology teacher at Sumgayit city Shah Ismail Khatai secondary school No. 30.


Currently, she works as a teacher at the “Civil Defense” department of the Azerbaijan State University of Economics.

Married, has one child.