Müəssisə məlumatları: Biznes Və Menecment Fakültəsi, Biznes Və Logistika Kafedrası



Açıq giriş

BMT-nin Dayanıqlı İnkişaf Məqsədləri
Tərcümeyi hal

She was born on June 10, 1980, in the Bolnisi district of the Republic of Georgia.

She graduated from  Azerbaijan State University of Economics in 2000 with a bachelor’s degree, and in 2002 received a master’s degree.

Since 2006, she has been working as a senior lecturer at the department of Management of the Azerbaijan State University of Economics.

 She has published 2 textbooks, articles and theses abroad, 11 articles and theses within the country.

In 2010, she defended her thesis for PhD in Economics at the Azerbaijan State University of Economics.