WoS Tədqiqat Sahələri:
Social Sciences (Soc)
AVESİS Tədqiqat Sahələri:
Social Sciences and Humanities, Philosophy
Tərcümeyi hal
Born on August 18, 1967 in Baku.
From 1974 to 1984, she studied at a secondary school in Baku.
In 1984, she entered the Azerbaijan Institute of National Economy (now the Azerbaijan State University of Economics).
She graduated from the same institute in 1988.
Since 2005, she has worked as a senior laboratory assistant at the “Philosophy” department of the Azerbaijan State University of Economics.
Since 2007, she has been a teacher at the “Philosophy” department.
Currently, she is a teacher at the “Humanitarian Sciences” department.
Since 2010, she has been a doctoral candidate at the Institute of Philosophy of the ANAS.
She is the author of more than 10 articles and 5 theses.
Married, has two children.
- Elektron poçt
- shahla_mirzabayeva@unec.edu.az
- Veb Səhifəsi
- https://avesis.unec.edu.az/shahla_mirzabayeva