General Information

Institutional Information: Biznes Və Menecment Fakültəsi, Biznes Və Logistika Kafedrası
WoS Research Areas: Economics & Business, Social Sciences (Soc), Business, Management, Economics
Avesis Research Areas: Development Economics and Economic Growth



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Open Access

UN Sustainable Development Goals


In 1999-2003, she graduated with honors in the "Marketing" specialty at the "Commerce" faculty of the Azerbaijan State University of Economics. In 2003-2006, she graduated with honors in the "Marketing" specialty of the MBA program at the "Master's" level of the aforementioned University. In 2003, she started working as a 0.5 full-time laboratory assistant at the "Marketing" department of the Azerbaijan State University of Economics.

In 2005-2015, at the "Marketing" department of the said University, she conducted lectures and seminars on the subjects "Basics of Marketing", "Basics of Logistics", "Market Infrastructure", "Tourism Marketing", "Service Marketing".

In 2008, she became a doctoral student at the Institute of Economics of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences. In 2018, she defended her candidate's thesis on "Organizational-economic mechanism of marketing activity management in enterprises". She is a doctor of philosophy in economics.

She is the author of 3 textbooks (collectively written) and more than 50 scientific works. These scientific works are published in various scientific collections, including Tambov, Novosibirsk, Lipetsk, Tajikistan, Poland, Kharkiv, Turkey, etc. It was published in the materials of the held international scientific-theoretical conference and in Emerald, Scopus, Web of Science scientific database.

She successfully completed more than 10 training programs within the framework of the certificate program signed between the Continuous Education Application and Research Center and the Azerbaijan State University of Economics in a number of universities in Turkey and received the right to receive a certificate.


1. CERTIFICATION. T.C. OSTIM TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Continuing Education Application and Research Center. Within the framework of the cooperation protocol between Yıldız Technical University and Azerbaijan State University of Economics, he successfully completed the training program within the framework of the 30-hour "CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT" certificate program held between 01.02.2023 and 07.03.2023.


10 th International Conference on Leadership, Technology, Innovation and Business Management with the special theme of "Green Economy? Green Business? Green Management, and Leadership: The Road to a Green Economy? New Challenges, Opportunities and Perspectives" on October 12-14, 2022, Baku, Azerbaijan.

3. CERTIFICATION. Within the framework of the cooperation protocol between Israel University and Azerbaijan State University of Economics and within the framework of the 35-hour "SOFT SKILLS" certificate program held between 04.09.2022 and 15.09.2022, he successfully completed the training program and earned the right to receive this certificate. 30.09.2022.

4. CERTIFICATION. T.C. ISTANBUL UNIVERSITY Continuous Education Application and Research Center. Within the framework of the cooperation protocol between İstanbul University and Azerbaijan State University of Economics and within the framework of the 30-hour "RETAIL MARKETING" certificate program held between 29.11.2021 and 15.02.2022, he was entitled to receive this certificate by successfully completing the educational program. Document Date: 01.07.2022.

5. CERTIFICATE. For participant in the 2nd International conference DIGITAL ECONOMY: MODERN CHALLENGES AND REAL OPPORTUNITIES. "MODERN TRENDS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF DIGITAL MARKETING". Modern trends in the development of digital marketing. II International scientific-practical conference on "DIGITAL ECONOMY: MODERN CHALLENGES AND REAL OPPORTUNITIES". April 28-29, 2022.

6. CERTIFICATION. T.C. OSTIM TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Continuing Education Application and Research Center. Within the framework of the cooperation protocol between Yıldız Technical University and Azerbaijan State University of Economics, he has successfully completed the training program within the framework of the 35-hour "DIGITAL MARKETING" certificate program held between 01.05.2022 and 07.06.2022.

7. Certificate. Clarivate Web of Science. Series 1: «Научная аналитика: Web of Science and InCites» – April 29, 2021.

8. Certificate. Clarivate Web of Science. Series 2: «Basic capabilities of Clarivate resources for scientific activity» – April 29, 2021.

9. Certificate. Clarivate Web of Science. Series 3: "How to prepare a publication for an international scientific journal" - April 29, 2021.

10. Certificate. Clarivate Web of Science. About the quality of scientific publications: Web of Science and Antiplagiat. April 22, 2021.

11. Certificate of Attendance International Conference on Educational Administration (ICEA). On April 22-25, 2021, participated in International Conference on Educational Administration organized by Association of Educational Administration and T-Network communication and experience platform of educators and supported by Education Institute of Azerbaijan Republic. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EDUCATIONAL ADMINISTRATION. NATIONAL PRIORITIES / GLOBAL CHALLENGES. April 22-25, 2021.

12. Certificate of Appreciation. The 70th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development ESD Online Conference – Baku - Azerbaijan – 25 June 2021. Risk management in international business.

13. Certificate. 2ND International Forum on New Challenges in Education Certificate is presented to for participating in the international forum. 2nd International Forum on New Challenges in Education. October 1, 2021.

14. CERTIFICATION. T.C. ISTANBUL UNIVERSITY Continuous Education Application and Research Center. Within the framework of the cooperation protocol between Istanbul University and Azerbaijan State University of Economics and the 35-hour "PUBLIC RELATIONS" certificate program held between 24.05.2021 and 30.06.2021, he was entitled to receive this certificate by successfully completing the educational program. Document Date: 10.10.2021.

15. T.C. HACETTEPE UNIVERSITY Continuous Education Application and Research Center. He has successfully completed the educational program within the framework of the 35-hour "SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP" certificate program held between 24.05.2021 and 30.06.2021 with the cooperation protocol between Istanbul University and Azerbaijan State University of Economics.

16. Certificate. Republic of Azerbaijan ID number 6800611422. Has attended the "Digital Marketing" section of the "Digital Brain" seminar. November 04, 2018.

17. Certificate. COACHING CONSULTING TRAINING ID number 1503252402. Has attended the "Neuromarketing" section of the "Digital Brain" seminar. 04 November.

18. CERTIFICATE. FATER Academy of İndia (FAİ) UNEC Business School Azerbaijan State University of Economics. 28th İnternational Conference on “Digitalisatoin and Artificial İntelligence Revulution in Business Mahagement”. 18th-20th April 2024.