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Konqres/Seminar Təqdimatları Üzrə Rəylə Nəşr Edilən Nəşrlər

Analysis of some indicators by means of fuzzy logic on the example of Azerbaijani energy enterprises

1st Conference on Traditional and Renewable Energy Sources: Perspectives and Paradigms for the 21st Century, TRESP 2021, Prague, Czech Republic, 22 - 23 January 2021, vol.250 Creative Commons License identifier

Economic analysis of alternative energy development in Nagorno-Karabakh and surrounding regions

1st Conference on Traditional and Renewable Energy Sources: Perspectives and Paradigms for the 21st Century, TRESP 2021, Prague, Czech Republic, 22 - 23 January 2021, vol.250 Creative Commons License Davamlı İnkişaf identifier

Lobbying for Public Interests as a Democratic Social Leadership Factor for Reforming Legislation

2nd Prague-Institute-for-Qualification-Enhancement (PRIZK) International Conference on Sustainable Leadership for Entrepreneurs and Academics (ESAL), Prague, Czech Republic, 13 - 14 September 2018, pp.481-489 Davamlı İnkişaf identifier identifier



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